
The Copa de Marianas, which means "Marianas Cup" in Portuguese, is held annually on the tropical island of Guam.
This tournament is always held in the spring, and this year it will be held on Saturday, February 3 at the University of Guam's Field House.
Fury Promotions, the organizer of many Marianas-related tournaments including this year's tournament, holds the "Copa de Marianas" and the "Marianas Open" in Guam and the "Marianas Pro" in other countries with the support of the Guam Visitors Bureau (GVB), expanding the scale of each tournament. The scale of the competition has been expanding with each event.
The "Marianas Pro" is currently held in Japan, Korea, and the Philippines, but the number of host countries is expected to increase, and from next year onward, the event is planned to be held in Asian countries such as China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.
The "Copa de Marianas" also held a NO-GI event at the same time, which is not held at the "Marianas Open," and even though it is a tournament for Guam residents, it is very popular, attracting nearly 400 competitors.
Although there were only a few competitors from Japan, the event was very exciting with international matches between Guam and Japan, as well as matches between Guam residents.
Many of competitors who participated in the "Copa de Marianas" are scheduled to compete in the "Marianas Pro Japan" event to be held in March in Nagoya, and we would like to introduce their performances.

いまやグアムを代表する黒帯となったアンソニー・クルーズは古巣・カーウソングレイシー グアムに出戻りして大会参戦。ノーギのアダルト黒帯オープンクラスでATOSグアムのジョン・メノ、PUREBREDグアムのオリバー・クルーズを連覇して優勝。
Anthony Cruz, now Guam's leading black belt, returned to his ex.team, Carson Gracie Guam, to compete in the tournament. He won NO-GI adult black belt open class, defeating John Meno of ATOS Guam and Oliver Cruz of PUREBRED Guam in succession.

アダルト黒帯ミディアムヘビー決勝戦はアンソニー・クルーズ(PUREBREDグアム)とアンソニー・クルーズ(カーウソングレイシー グアム)のワンマッチ決勝戦で、14-0でアンソニー完封勝利。
Adult Black Belt Medium Heavy final was a one match final between Anthony Cruz (PUREBRED Guam) and Anthony Cruz (Carson Gracie Guam) with Anthony winning points by 14-0.

ノーギに続きギでもオープンクラス制覇のアンソニー・クルーズ(カーウソングレイシー グアム)。アダルト黒帯オープンクラスの巴戦で、ジョン・メノ&オリバー・クルーズに勝利してコパ・デ・マリアナスを完全制覇。ギとノーギで3つの金メダルを手にしている。
Anthony Cruz (Carson Gracie Guam) won the Open Class in Gi after N-GI. He won Adult Black Belt Open Class three-way match against John Meno & Oliver Cruz to win the Copa de Marianas outright. He won three gold medals in Gi and NO-GI.

Adult brown belt category had two consecutive bouts with the same face-offs in the heavy and open classes. Nicholas Brown (PUREBRED Guam) defeated Raimondo Sinohara (Machado Guam) by choke in the heavy final and 14-0 in the open final for the W gold.

Francesca Lizama (PUREBRED Guam) is the most promising local female competitor in Guam. She also won the Marianas Open last year and is on a Marianas winning streak by winning this tournament as well.

Noriaki Ishizaki (Muse Jiu Jitsu Academy), aka "Chobin" from Japan, fainted in the first round of the four-man tournament in the Master 2 white belt featherweight division by strangulation. He also lost 0-2 in the third-place match, and failed to win a medal.

今大会のベストマッチだったのが女子マスター1黒帯ライトフェザーのワンマッチ決勝戦、村上彩(CARPE DIEM MITA) vs レノラ・マタナネ(FIGO’/ボンサイ)の女子マッチ。テイクダウンとスイープが交錯する好勝負は4-2でレノラ勝利に終わる。
The best match of the day was the female Master 1 black belt light feather one-match final between Aya Murakami (CARPE DIEM MITA) and Lenora Matanane (FIGO'/Bonsai). A good match with a mix of takedowns and sweeps ended in a 4-2 victory for Lenora.

Japanese Saipan resident Masaki Kitami (Baret Submission) competes only in NO-GI. He won the gold medal in NO-GI White Belt Rooster tournament by winning two consecutive bouts by submission, with a arm bar in the first round and a guillotinchoke in the final.

ATOS Guam won the team awards in the Adult, Kids, and female categories, except for the Master, and with team wins in all three categories, the team won a large number of travel packs, and will be competing in the Marianas Pro Japan in Japan again this year, as they did last year.

A number of staff members and referees were invited from Japan for this tournament, which was well received for its smooth operation. The good relationship between Japan and Guam will continue in the future.
